Ms. Foundation President and CEO Teresa C. Younger share her Thanksgiving reflections . . .

This Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how grateful I am for
women who paved the way for me. From Sojourner Truth to Gloria Steinem, I
appreciate the blood, sweat and tears our foremothers sacrificed in their fight
for women’s rights. I also appreciate the friendship and mentoring that has
helped me every step of the way on my path Finally, I am especially grateful
for all the supporters who help move our work for
women forward.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor said, “Sometimes, idealistic people
are put off the whole business of networking as something tainted by flattery
and the pursuit of selfish advantage. But virtue in obscurity is rewarded only
in Heaven. To succeed in this world you have to be known to people.”
I couldn’t agree more. One of my early mentors told me that
I have an obligation to introduce two people to each other each day. That’s
because she knew that networking is essential – not only to our success as
individuals, but also to further our cause for women’s empowerment
collectively. We need to expand our networks, mentor other women and constantly
create new circles of collaboration to build the strength we need to be
Networking is part of my listening tour. During a recent
trip to Pittsburgh, I was able to meet with a host of women leaders, including
the heads of women’s funds there and some of their grantees. Thanks to current
and past Ms. Foundation board chairs Heather Arnet and Cathy Raphael, we were
able to strengthen our ties to allies there. By making those connections in Pittsburgh,
we’re going to be more effective as we continue our work for women throughout
the country. Forging stronger relationships with women’s state and local funds
will enable us to coordinate on campaigns and initiatives where our issues
intersect, maximizing both resources and impact.
My advice to all women: Make as many connections as
possible. Build your personal network of contacts, friends and mentors. Do your
bit to help another woman. All of us have something to offer; mentoring is not
only for executives. After your first weeks on a job, there is always someone
coming up behind you. Reach out and help her – even if it’s only to offer small
bits of advice or information.
Don’t confine your networking to work. Whether you’re at the
grocery store, a basketball game, community meeting or doctor’s appointment,
don’t miss the opportunity to make connections. And be sure to use your
connections to help the causes and organizations that you support.
Women account for half (or more) of the population. Imagine
what we could accomplish if we all worked together. This month, try to make one
new contact or mentor someone. Sisterhood truly is powerful – but only if we
commit to helping our sisters.
Thank you for all that you do!