Earlier this week the Women’s Media Center released a strong statement condemning Newsweek’s inappropriate cover photo of Sarah Palin in short shorts and a tight top. WMC President Jehmu Greene noted, “…by portraying Sarah Palin in this light, they added an additional barrier for all women and girls who aspire to political leadership.”
We couldn’t agree more. Not only does the cover sexualize Sarah Palin, it stands as yet another illustration of the marginalization, objectification and stereotypes of women that persist in mainstream media.
It’s hard to imagine just one male politician objectified in this fashion on the cover of a news magazine, no matter his political orientation, his abilities or his conduct. Nor should there be.
Mainstream media must respect, not diminish, the stature of women, LGBTQ identified people, and people of color, if we are to reach the inclusive and equitable society that we all desire.
Sara K. Gould President & CEO Ms. Foundation for Women
Earlier this year, the Ms. Foundation issued grants to national organizations and coalitions with the potential to take advantage of progressive openings created by the new presidential administration. By supporting strategies that connect grassroots solutions to national advocacy, the Ms. Foundation is working to ensure that the communities with the greatest need benefit from policy change in areas that are likely to re-shape the social and economic infrastructure of our nation: health care reform, green jobs, workers’ rights, child care and immigration.
Two Ms. Foundation grantees, Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) and Green For All, have been focusing in particular on ensuring equitable access to green jobs for women, low-income people and people of color. Green jobs, like those in construction and other building trades, are more likely to offer a living wage and, because this is a new and rapidly expanding field, long-term economic security.
Last week, with funding from the Ms. Foundation, WOW held the first national institute for organizations from across the country seeking to train women in green jobs. This week, we share a video from Green For All which highlights how stimulus funds are already being put to use to train women in weatherization:
Tahlia is a single mother of a 3-year-old son in Brooklyn, NY. "Construction is something that I wanted to do for a long time," she said. "I had no way of knowing how to get into this field because I always heard it was a man's world."
Now, thanks to the Recovery Act, Tahlia has a job weatherizing homes in New York.